

How to market your domain?

Question arises, how domain extensions work and what impact do these have on the internet market.

For all the curious minds out there, here’s a list of the existing common extensions:

Exploring the depths of the same, I begin with the most registered extension on the internet-

.com, as you may have guessed already, is used for commercial organisations. It falls under the top-level domain (TLD) category in the Domain Name System (DNS) of the internet.
It is found to be the cheapest and used for general purposes as well.

.org is Generic Top Level Domain (gTLD) of the DNS, intended for non-profit organisations but this restriction hasn’t been imposed properly.
Today, it’s commonly used for schools, open-source projects and communities.

.net is again a gTLD under the DNS and is used for large networks or for organisations providing network technologies like internet service provider and infrastructure companies.
Yet again such restrictions are often ignored by the firms and it is used as an alternative to .com.

While .gov is sponsored top-level domain (sTLD) under the DNS and restricted use by government organisations. Unlike the others gov domain is administered by the General Services Administration (GSA).

.edu and .mil are both sTLD and used for educational institutions and military/defence respectively. mil may also include subsidiary/affiliated organisations.

Lastly there are numerous extensions for region-specific audience like

  • .in for India
  • .us for United States
  • .au for Australia
...and many more.

Analyse your requirements and buy accordingly.