money in a bag

Forecasting Cryptocurrency

Predicting bitcoin prices using ensembling on multivariate time series. These feature sets can be categorised as macroeconomic factors, blockchain attributes and public opinion.
paper sheets

Classifying Academic Text

Categorised 50,000 Research Papers using Natural Language Processing and Topic Modelling. Deployed 24 different configurations to compare Statistical Modelling against Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing.
girl playing voilin

Predictions on Big Data from Sensors

Predicting pedestrian hot-spots in the city of Melbourne for street art performers. The predictions were made on real time streaming data using Apache Kafka and Spark.
car parking

Analysing on-street Car Parking

Explored data from Parking Sensors across the city of Melbourne using Tableau and Visualised the results via a dynamic website built using Shiny in R.

Face Recognition

Detecting and identifying faces using KNearestNeighours and Haar Cascades.
magnifying glass

Lost & Found Portal

A website to report items lost and/or found in college, built using Bootstrap, MySql and PHP.
people exchanging notes


Developed a website to share academic material like notes, eBooks and projects.
message logo

Chat Room

Full duplex communication channel between Server and Client by binding sockets in C.